The Journey Begins



Thanks for following our journey to adoption!

We started this blog so friends and family could keep up to date on our adoption process and learn a little more about orphans/adoption in general. We are very excited to see how our own story continues to unfold. We started considering and praying about adopting in 2015. Emillie sat down to pray one day and simply asked the Lord “What’s on your heart Lord, what can I pray for”? and He said “the orphans of this world”. She was deeply moved by this answer, to feel His heartache,  and so our hearts too began to break and to deepen towards the reality facing SO MANY children around the world. Hearing their stories and reading the statistics about these vulnerable children deeply  drew our hearts toward adopting, specifically from Asia. The Lord lead us to the organization Holt International. They were established in 1956 and not only offer domestic and international adoption services, but focus on family strengthening, preservation and sponsorship in the 13 countries they work in. As we looked into each of their programs, made phone calls, and inquired about each countries specific criteria to adopt, we discovered we were a perfect match to adopt form Thailand. So, after more prayer, a year after this idea was birthed sitting on the couch in prayer, we started the lengthy process of international adoption. The process for adopting from Thailand is estimated to take 2-3 years to complete from application to travel. We started in March of 2017 and have gone through the required Arizona home study process and will soon send off our dossier to Thailand to be matched with a child. We will be adopting a little girl age 1-3 who will have been living in foster care in Thailand.  This journey is a complete walk of faith as both private domestic and International adoption require a significant amount of funding. Still, we know and believe that the Lord is faithful to provide where He calls and leads. So, if the Lord lays it on your heart, we so covet your prayers and support as we follow Him to the other side of the world to bring home our daughter! We will keep you updated on our progress as we post more.  Thanks so much for following!

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained [a]by the world. James 1:27


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